Chocolate Ice Cream Shell Topping Recipe
August 17, 2023

Chocolate Ice Cream Shell Topping Recipe

This chocolate “shell” ice cream topping is one of our favorite ways to upgrade our ice cream.

Serves: 1

Prep time: 5 mins


  • 1-2 scoops ice cream (one of our current favs is @holiscoops)
  • 1 Tbsp dark chocolate (we used mint flavored - *see more tips below)
  • 1/2 tsp coconut Oil
  • 1/2-1 scoop beeya
  • a pinch of sea salt


  1. Gently melt the coconut oil and dark chocolate together.
  2. Spoon the melted chocolate over the ice cream and sprinkle it with sea salt and beeya. Once on the ice cream the chocolate and coconut oil harden to create a “shell” topping in just a few seconds.