4 tips to get out of a rut
November 18, 2022

4 tips to get out of a rut

Balance your hormones, transform your mood, and break free from the rut with hormonal insights and self-care practices.

Hormone-induced mood fluctuations

Before we dive in, it’s important to acknowledge that being in a rut is totally normal. And while it may feel like the universe is conspiring against you, a rut often precedes positive change.

Stuck in a rut and feel like you’re not living life to the fullest? Read on.

It’s no secret that our hormones impact our emotional state. They can cause either positive or negative mood patterns. Therefore, maintaining balanced hormones can significantly improve your emotional health. Said differently: fluctuations in your hormones could be driving your rut-like demeanor, lack of motivation, and low energy.

Broken down by each phase of the menstrual cycle, here’s how your hormones affect your mood:

Follicular phase (start of your period):

Even though estrogen levels are low at the start of your period, they don’t stay there for long. Estrogen starts to rise as the follicular phase progresses. As estrogen levels increase, you might notice a positive effect on your mood. It may take a few days, but PMS symptoms (like irritability or low mood) start to dissipate once your period starts. By the time your period ends, you'll (hopefully) feel more social and happy.

One reason could be that estrogen is linked to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in mood. As estrogen levels increase, so does serotonin production, and this can lead to feelings of happiness. Sayonara, rut!

Ovulatory phase (roughly days 11-15):

During the middle of your cycle, estrogen drops back down from its pre-ovulation spike. This can cause a dip in your mood. However, since estrogen climbs again a few days after ovulation, this change in mood is usually short-lived.

Luteal phase (second half of your cycle):

Thanks to increased progesterone levels, you may feel relaxed and sleep better in the first part of your luteal phase. But as you get closer to your period, things can change. If you don’t conceive, progesterone and estrogen fall—causing a shift in your mood, energy, and motivation. Serotonin can also decline with the dip in estrogen.

To help manage these hormonal fluctuations, everything from seed cycling to keeping blood sugar balanced, staying hydrated, and exercising regularly can help.


Whether life is great—or you’re currently in a rut—look no further than the power of journaling as a tool in your toolbox.

A few journal prompts to get your started:

  1. On a scale of 0-10, rate the following areas of your life (0 = needs major improvement, 10 = in the flow). This will help you further pinpoint what needs nurturing in your life.
  • Physical health
  • Mental stability
  • Family / relationships
  • Wealth / money
  • Career prosperity
  • Spiritual wellness
  1. For anything that scores less than a 5, set a few small goals. Make these realistic and attainable.}
  2. Go for a walk. Leave your pen and paper and the goals you just set. Awaken your senses and connect with the world around you.
  3. Once you walk back in the door, envision what the future (rut-less) you is doing, wearing, or saying. Write this down.

Depending on your mood…

If you’re feeling anxious, consider tapping.

If you’re feeling sad, release your emotions. Don’t underestimate the value of a good cry, a therapeutic journaling session, or calling a friend.

If you’re feeling lonely, opt for a walk. Engage in the world around you. Loneliness can be alleviated by immersing yourself in nature and seeing other people. Walking boosts happiness!

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We love seeing the impact beeya is having on you and your hormones. First period in years with no migraines? That’s a win in our book!